          〈 職人英語通〉杯弓蛇影Afraid of one’s own shadow 〈 職人英語通〉杯弓蛇影Afraid of one’s own shadow 中文裡有很多成語都是用來表示因為曾經吃過虧,以致於只要一點風吹草動就會緊繃著神經,也就是類似像「杯弓蛇影」 禮服或「一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩」的意思。Billy:Can you stop shaking your legs? You’ve been doing that for the last 2 hours.Billy:你不要一直抖腳好 節能燈具嗎?你已經抖了2個小時了。Jason:Oh, I’m sorry. It’s sort of unconscious.Jason:喔,對不起。我沒意識到自己正這樣做。Billy:Why do you keep looking at the entrance? 酒店工作There’s no one there.Billy:你幹嘛一直盯著入口處瞧?沒人在那啊。Jason:I thought I heard someone knocking on the door.Jason:我以為有人在敲門。Billy:This is enough. What is wron 吳哥窟g with you? You’ve been behaving so weirdly since yesterday.Billy:夠了喔,你到底怎麼了?從昨天開始你就怪怪的。Jason: To be honest, I am really nervous about the new structuring. There have b 租房子een rumors that some people at the company might get laid off.Jason:老實說,我很擔心公司的人事重組。有傳言說,有人會被公司解雇。Billy:Even that’s the case, what made you think you’ll be one of them?Bil 租屋網ly:就算是真的好了,你為什麼覺得自己會是其中一人呢?Jason:I’m the most junior one in the team and last week, the manager asked me if I’m planning to go anywhere for vacation…Jason:我是整個組裡面最資淺的,而且上週經理還問我?辦公室出租O不是計畫要去哪裡度假……。Billy:He just thinks you’ve been working too hard for a long time and you deserve a vacation.Billy:他只是覺得你長久來工作太累了,需要好好休個假啊。Jason:But he asked me with a strange smile, I think he meant 太平洋房屋 to say something to me…Jason:可是他邊問邊詭異地笑著,我覺得他好像欲言又止似的……。Billy: Take it easy! You really need to relax a little. In fact, I think you’re starting to be afraid of your own shadow. I am really worried about you.Billy:安啦!你要放?西裝P點。事實上,我覺得你已經開始杯弓蛇影了,我還真擔心你。(本單元固定每週三、四見刊)source: .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 有巢氏房屋  .

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